45,142 Trees Planted since 2020

Planting trees with every purchase
A collaboration that works
5% of sales are donated to One Tree Planted and we've donated over 45,142 trees already since 2020 (correct: Feb 2023).
The Nuts and bolts of what we do
Who are we?
At the heart of everything we do is the well being and happiness of the precious animals we cater to, which means that no unpleasant fillers or additives are used. Each and every seed and is sprinkled in with much thought and consideration when it comes to health and of course taste, and the only aim is to create a delicious blend of ingredients bursting with nutritional benefits.
In line with our core ethos, we wanted to contribute positively towards the world, animals and humans in general, and therefore it only made sense for us to team up with the wonderful and brilliant One Tree Planted.
One Tree Planted is an ethical and responsible charitable, not-for-profit organisation which uses each and every donation to plant tress – everywhere. The reason why we chose to collaborate with One Tree Planted is because its mission so closely aligns with ours.
At the moment, deforestation is one of the most significant threats to the habitats and lives of so many beautiful bird and animals species across the world. Through planting trees, One Tree Planted provides these creatures with warmth, security, safety and a home, in the process restoring an entire ecosystem.
At Seedzbox we love animals in all shapes, forms and colours, whether they are the furry and feathered companions we interact with in our homes or their relatives in the wild. We believe in this so strongly that we donate 5% of all of our sales to One Tree Planted, in order to support them in their fantastic work.
One Tree Planted and the teams they partner with have extensive knowledge of the unique requirements of trees to ensure that each and every contribution reaches as far as it can. The land where the trees will be planted is carefully prepared, and meanwhile the saplings are nursed in dedicated nurseries to provide them with the best chance of survival outside.
It is during the rainy season the the trees are planted, and the trees are dutifully maintained and monitored. In essence, the seeds are not just sprinkled into the ground and left to the mercy of nature and chance, but taken care of until they reach maturity.
Trees balance and heal the planet alongside its inhabitants. One Tree Planted identifies six pillars outlining the ways in which trees form the foundation of the natural environment; purifying air, cleaning water, protecting biodiversity, supporting communities, providing medicinal properties and maintaining the climate. In reflection of these comprehensive functions, One Tree Planted operates in a range of diverse regions, such as North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
One Tree Planted plays a crucial role at the frontier of reforestation efforts and environmental protection. Through collaborating in such a noble and worthwhile effort, Seedzbox and anyone who purchases our range of animal and pet foods can be a part of this change.
By contributing to One Tree Planted, we are enabling forests of trees to flourish and thrive, nurturing our glorious furry and feathered friends by restoring their nourishment, protection and homes.
One Tree Planted is a non-for-profit charity which strives to plant trees across a vast geographical range – in 2018 alone they planted 1.3 million trees into the ground! The reality is that deforestation poses a considerable risk to so many exotic and unique bird, animal and insect species, and this is why One Tree Planted decided to take matter into its own hands and address this issue with the urgency it deserves. Through their global reforestation efforts, One Tree Planted protects biodiversity, supports communities and helps the environment.
Sometimes the complexity and enormity of the problems facing the world can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to figure where and how to start. One Tree Planted strives to ensure that environmentalism is accessible to anyone and everyone, and has removed any obstacles which may come in the way of this.
Their mission is to make it simpler than it has ever been before to plant trees and give everyone the chance to have an active role in the protection and preservation of our planet, even from the comfort of your homes!
Contributing to a positive force has never been easier nor more rewarding. The individual donations, as well as the donations generated by Seedzbox through our sales, are processed and transferred online.
The donations are then pooled in order to encompass each stage of the process – a glimpse at their official website reveals a detailed breakdown of the associated costs for each stage.
One Tree Planted and the teams they partner with have extensive knowledge of the unique requirements of trees to ensure that each and every contribution reaches as far as it can. The land where the trees will be planted is carefully prepared, and meanwhile the saplings are nursed in dedicated nurseries to provide them with the best chance of survival outside.
When they are planted, it is during the rainy season, and the trees are dutifully maintained and monitored. In essence, the seeds are not just sprinkled into the ground and left to the mercy of nature and chance, but taken care of until they reach maturity.
Trees balance and heal the planet alongside its inhabitants. One Tree Planted identifies six pillars outlining the ways in which trees form the foundation of the natural environment; purifying air, cleaning water, protecting biodiversity, supporting communities, providing medicinal properties and maintaining the climate. In reflection of these comprehensive functions, One Tree Planted operates in a range of diverse regions, such as North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
One Tree Planted plays a crucial role at the frontier of reforestation efforts and environmental protection. Through collaborating in such a noble and worthwhile effort, Seedzbox and anyone who purchases our range of animal and pet foods can be a part of this change. By contributing to One Tree Planted, we are enabling forests of trees to flourish and thrive, nurturing our glorious furry and feathered friends by restoring their nourishment, protection and homes.